Isolated doesn’t have to mean alone.


Care Buddies are pairs of people who check in with one another.

They’re cross-generational pen-pals who give one another a sense of safety, community and purpose in this time of isolation.

Some prefer text, others call or video chat..

They make each other laugh, share their worries, exchange family recipes or talk about their favorite shows.

Maybe you’re one of America’s elders and would love a buddy to talk with when you’re lonely or worried or bored, when you need a listening ear or just want a good laugh

Maybe you’re one of our young, spry folks and you’ve been wanting a way to help — some service you could offer others during this tough time, without leaving home.

Either way, you’ll make an invaluable Care Buddy to somebody else.

Ready to find your Care Buddy?

Please note that we have paused all buddy matching. We received a beautiful, overwhelming response from younger volunteers and worked hard with senior centers across the country to match them with seniors in need. As senior centers are quite overwhelmed with other responsibilities in the face of Covid-19, these integrations proved challenging. Feel free to sign up for our waitlist below in the event that we start back up again.

Contact us.
(323) 205-6783


Our Story…

Husband and wife team Amaryllis Fox and Bobby Kennedy created A Call to Care in February 2020 as a local community project to be sure all the elders in our neighborhood and church community had a phone buddy to check on them during this time of social distancing.

Before we knew it, a few friends had shared the site, their friends had blogged about it, and suddenly we had hundreds of volunteers! Amaryllis’ sister, Catherine Thornber, stepped up as our director, and together we worked to scale this beautiful project up and get Care Buddies activated where they’re needed most.

The response from volunteers was overwhelmingly beautiful. Over 1,500 volunteers signed up to be a Buddy. We’re so moved by every sign-up we received, the inspiring bios, and the profound desire to be of service to one another. This moment in history is tough, but with love and a phone line, no one needs to go through it on their own.



How long will it take to get my buddy assignment?

We’re currently not assigning buddy matches. Feel free to check in every so often, in case that changes.

What if I hate the buddy you gave me?

Well hate’s a strong word, but we get it! Not every pair is going to be a perfect fit. If either of you feel you’d prefer to be rematched, we’ll get you both new buddies pronto.

Can I send or receive groceries, cash, or other items?

We understand how much each buddy pair comes to care for one another’s well-being. But for everyone’s safety, we ask you to never provide or request anything of financial value. Believe us, the camaraderie and community you are giving one another is a gift of infinite value. If you do want to assist with groceries or staples, please coordinate through local food banks. We’re happy to assist.

How do you select my match?

The more information you give us to work with, the better we can do at finding you a Care Buddy who will truly brighten your day. Tell us about what you love, what hate, how you’re feeling, what you need. Into cat memes? Cool! Prefer debating philosophy? Amazing! No matter what your jam, there’s a buddy who needs you.

Should I sign up to earn volunteer hours toward a scholarship?

No. We do not certify volunteer hours at this time. We connect buddies with each other without documenting how often they communicate. We wish you the best on your journey toward a higher education!

Should I be careful about the information I share?

Call to Care buddies are a huge-hearted group of folks who want to help and connect during this tough time. That said, exercise the same care over your privacy you would in any online conversation. Avoid giving any identifying information and remember that no buddy should ever ask for money, ID or card numbers. If they do, please suspend communication and get in touch with us right away at

“My buddy is a 72-year-old grandpa I’ve never met and he’s randomly made me laugh harder getting through this horrible time than just about anyone. I swear our texts should be compiled and published as a book.”

— Alison N.

“Wonderful idea! As a senior, I hope this keeps going after today’s crisis. It creates a feeling of being valued and safe, especially when so many of us are stuck home alone and the news is so bleak. Companionship is life-giving.”

— Charlie F